桃 2個
水 500g
グラニュー糖 100g
レモン汁 15g
1. 桃をきれいに洗う。
2. 鍋に水、グラニュー糖を入れ沸騰させる。
3. 桃は種にそって半割にし、スプーンで種をとりだす。
4. ②が沸いたら一度火を止め、桃の皮を下にして入れる。※皮ごと煮ることでシロップがピンク色になります。
5. レモン汁を入れる。キッチンペーパーで落とし蓋をする。※動画では落とし蓋を忘れてるのでみんなは忘れないようにしてね🙇♀️
6. 再度沸騰させて、弱火で4分煮る。桃をひっくり返してさらに弱火で4分煮る。
7. 煮えたら火を止め、粗熱をとる。
8. 粗熱がとれたら冷蔵庫で一晩つけておく。
9. 翌日、皮を剥がしたら完成!※お好みにカットして使うまでシロップに戻してつけておく。
1. 桃は半割にしたらすぐにシロップで煮る!
2. 桃の中までしっかり火を通す!
3. 煮た後もシロップに漬け込んでおく!
Hello, this is Patiko CH♪
Compote fresh peaches!
If the peach is fresh, it will change color immediately after cutting, but if you put it in compote, it will keep its beautiful color.
You can decorate jelly, tarts, and various sweets.
Like, I would be very happy if you could subscribe to the channel ♪
Patiko CH
*Peach compote
2 peaches
Water 500g
100g granulated sugar
Lemon juice 15g [How to make] 1. Wash the peaches thoroughly.
2. Put water and granulated sugar in a pot and bring to a boil.
3. Cut the peach in half along the seeds and scoop out the seeds with a spoon.
4. When ② boils, turn off the heat and put the peach skin down. *Syrup turns pink when cooked with the skin on.
5. Add lemon juice. Cover with a drop lid with kitchen paper. *I forgot to remove the lid in the video, so please don’t forget it🙇♀️
6. Bring to a boil again and simmer over low heat for 4 minutes. Turn the peaches over and simmer for another 4 minutes over low heat.
7. When it boils, turn off the heat and let it cool down.
8. When the heat is removed, put it in the refrigerator overnight.
9. The next day, peel off the skin and you’re done! * Cut it to your liking and put it back in the syrup until you use it.
《Points to prevent discoloration》
If you have experience with discoloration, please be careful here and make it ☝🏻
1. Cut the peaches in half and immediately boil them in syrup!
*Peach begins to change color when exposed to oxygen.
2. Let the fire go through the inside of the peach!
*Be careful not to boil down too much as it will fall apart.
3. Soak in syrup even after boiling!
*Soak in the syrup.